Sao Khue Award 2023 is implemented in 6 steps with the following progress: (The below timeline is the expected one)

  • Step 1: Program Launch (09/01/2024 – 01/03/2024) Enterprises and organizations register to participate in the program, please access http://dangky.giaithuongsaokhue.vn for online registration
  • Step 2: Verification of data & prelimination of unqualified nominees(05-06/03/2024)
  • Step 3: Presentation (16-17/03/2024) Enterprises present directly about their nominated products / services / solutions; The Organizing Committee may survey some more customers who are using such products or services
  • Step 4: Voting for the Final Round and Recognition of the Award (18/03/2024)
  • Step 5: Sao Khue Announcement and Awards Ceremony(13/04/2024)
  • Step 6: Communication campaign to promote and market products and services recognized with the Sao Khue Award (throughout the year of 2024).